ronnieince shornsee - Precisely - just as any mily who allowed a 7 year old in the UK to take a kitchen knife to school would be totally irresponsible
America will never give up their guns so reporting about it does no good.
The Wave Preparatory Elementary School in New York was re-opened after less than an hour police later said, and no one was hurt. They did not comment as to why the little boy had the .22 calibre handgun with him, but said it had not been fired.
lettuce god bless america the land of the free and the land of the brave. What a load of rubbish this entire afir is when will they get their heads out of their arses and do what is right and ban all guns completely
n22perv Yes its only just one gun . As long as it is not used in class it is alright. A gun going off in the classroom would make a lot of noise and disrupt the class. The gun would be alright to play with in the playground but not in the classroom.
In the UK by r the highest rate of private hand gun ownership is in Northern Ireland where personal protection weapons are permitted by law yet gun crime with police registered firearms is unheard off
Caring for sick children. Sleep-deprivation, worry, sheet washing and endless CBeebies. Has your mily been hit yet?
ronnieince m11e - Even the NRA are not going to defend 7 year olds carrying guns nor does the 2nd amendment guarantee them that right - it only applies to adults of legal age .
See -
Swiss kids are not taking guns to schools yet every Swiss home by law has to hold an automatic rifle and ammunition - Americans simply sem much more probne to use their guns unlawfully and even Germany wHandgun found in SEVEN-year-olds school bagith 5 times more guns per head of population ha 10% of the gun crime the UK has .
The New York Times reports that a magazine, separated from the pistol but loaded with 10 bullets, and a plastic bag with 7 to 10 additional rounds of ammunition were also found in the boys backpack, and that parents and pupils were left rattled by the incident.
shornsee Surely the point at issue here is what kind of mily is it that allows by accident or design access to a firearm to the children in this home? Whether or not the weapon was legally held,. to allow a 7 year old access is unforgiveable
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emmajd1 Its hard to still care about things like this.
I thought we were going to get killed, said 11-year-old pupil Javier Ferrufino. We went to the back of the classroom. I hid with my friend behind some computers.
Handgun found in SEVEN-year-olds school bag, A school went into temporary lockdown after a seven-year-old boy was found to have a handgun in his bag.
ronnieince lettuce - not possible to ban guns in the USA - their Constitution forbids it and the Supreme Court HAS to uphold the Constitution
And 95% of US gun crime is with handguns - not military automatics, Watch TV Online google satellite rifles, sub machine guns etc .
she8mal Are you serious? If so what a ridiculous comment and you should be ashamed as it wasnt only a gun but there was lots of ammo with it. Who knows what the 7 year old was doing or going to do with it. Time will tell.
This week, President Obama revealed new proposals to tighten gun laws in the US. The BBC reports this will include a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and gun buyers will have more thorough background checks.
chase Your assessment that every Swiss home by law has to hold an automatic rifle and ammunition is incorrect. The Swiss militia are required to keep their weapons at home during the period of their service, if they wish to retain that weapon on completion of their service, then it is sent back to the ctory that it came from, and the fully automatic function disabled. As to ammunition, after a change in Swiss law in 2007, only special rapid deployment units, and the military police are allowed to keep ammunition at home!
m11e You can only shake your head in wonder and resignation and wait for the NRA to make an announcement that the 7 year old had every right under the 2nd amendment to carry a firearm into a school and protect himself