29/09/2012 - 10:05 pm
The school community would like to congratulate Mr Colligan on his appointment as Headteacher at St Matthews High School, Saltcoats.
19/05/2013 - 11:17 am
Our website is in the middle of gaining a Spring makeover. We hope that when its finished, it presents an improvement not only in style but in ease of accessing information
Many congratulations to our Senior students, and S6 in particular, who raised a total of 1418.80 from their Superheroes day
The attainment of Trinity High School pupils and students in Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) National Qualifications is most often higher than comparator schools and the national average.
In the recent inspection report published in May 2011,Trinity High School Renfrew, trinity high school HMIe deemed the overall quality of education in Trinity High School to be very good,Insurance News. noting as particular strengths of the school:
Trinity High School is proud to present its production of the timeless musical, West Side Story, running from 10 - 13 June 2013. To learn more about the production, ticket prices and more, visit our dedicated website by clicking the image below.
Trinity High School is a denominational secondary school in the town of Renfrew, Scotland. Its enrollment is approximately 960 students. The Head Teacher is Mr Jack Nellaney. He is assisted by three Deputy Head Teachers Mr Colligan,info on insurance. Mrs Haddow and Mrs Renfrew. Each member of the Senior Management team has year group responsibility.
Tickets for the school show, West Side Story, are now on sale from the school office. Tickets can be also
05/04/2012 - 11:38 pm
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A group of learners from Trinity High School who follow ESOL courses visited Reid Kerr College on Friday 28 September 2012 to celebrate European Languages Day
Meetings for the P7 Parents and pupils of S1/S2 pupils will take place in April and May(read more)
10/05/2013 - 1:46 pm
10/05/2013 - 1:34 pm
16/04/2012 - 10:11 am